メニュー名の料金と内容 Price
- 保険施術
Treatment to cure an injury using medical insurance. - ※詳細はお問い合わせください
- 鍼灸
Acupuncture treatment to relieve pain and paralysis. - ¥2760~
- 美容鍼
Acupuncture to the face for beauty. - ¥4400~
- 整体(あん摩マッサージ)
Manipulative massage and stretching throughout the body. - ¥1380~
- リフレクソロジー
Oil massage of sole and inflated tibia using reflexology. - ¥3300~
- 骨盤矯正
Massage and stretching to correct the pelvis. - ¥4400~
- 物療
Treatment using physical therapy. - 保険内
- 楽トレ
Core training by Electrical Muscle Stimulation. - ¥4400~
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